Troubleshooting & FAQs

Review our quick fix suggestions for getting your Paslode nailer back to work. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use my Framing Fuel Valve Adapters more than once?

The on-can valves are designed to be used for one cell only, but will continue to work when re-used on up to 2 additional fuel cells. There is a dynamic seal in the assembly that will eventually start to leak if used too much.

Where can I find replacement parts for my nailer?

Call or email customer service. Phone: (800) 222-6990 ; Email:

How can I clear a nail jam?

Trim tools there is a latch at the top front of the tool. We recommend reviewing the owners manual for more details. If problem persists call or email customer service. Phone: (800) 222-6990 ; Email:

What parts of my nailer should I regularly clean?

The filter. Reference the owners manual for more parts suggestions.

Are there specific supplies I should use to clean my nailer?

How can I verify that I am using the correct nails for my nailer?

Check that nails are Paslode, the gauge and/or angle of the nail matches the tool. Refer to the owners manual or quick start guide for pictures and more details.

How do I load my tool?

Each cordless tool has a follower. Pull the follower down, insert nails, and allow the follower to slide up. Refer to the owners manual or quick start guide for pictures and more details.

What should I do if my fan is making a strange noise?

Turn the tool off. Inspect to determine if the tool requires cleaning. Inspect fuel to determine if it is expired or empty.

If noise continues, contact us. Phone: (800) 222-6990 ; Email:

Quick Fix

Check these six things to get your nailer immediately back to work—for more detailed instructions, check your nailer's operating manual:

1. Check fuel cell expiration date

2. Check for empty fuel cell by tapping valve upward against firm object (look for mist)

3. Battery charge — check for flashing green light

4. Dirty filter

5. Nails loaded correctly (never use straight nails)

6. Nail jam — check operating manual for safety procedures

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